After I finished the sixth chapter of „The Graveyard Book” I guessed what will happen in the last two chapters. But first let me outline the story so far:
When Bod was 18 months old a man called Jack killed his family, but Bod managed to escape to a graveyard where he was adopted by the dead couple Owens. Now he is eleven years old and his guardian Silas tells him that Jack still wants to kill him.
Now there are only two chapters left. So I expect the author will write more about Jack and why it is so important for him to kill Bod. When Bod got to know about the murderer of his real family he told Silas that Jack should be frightened of him and not the other way round. Therefore I think that Bod will leave the graveyard to search for Jack to take revenge.
Also the author probably will write more about Silas and explain if Silas is a vampire, as I guess, and why the ghosts call him “an actual member of the Honour Guard”.
I am sorry to say that I don’t expect the author to finish the song I mentioned in my first blog.
(203 words)
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